Friday, April 25

love is the heart of fear

i do not enjoy food preparation. i am very likely the laziest person in this regard. i despise having to think about or plan or prepare or anything to do with food prior to eating it. if i was rich i would hire a chef before i would hire a maid. i go through phases of eating pop tarts or popsicles for every meal simply because they are brainless.

it's definitely a trait i inherited from my mother. she cooked out of necessity, not pleasure. and she often told me that we would save amazing amounts of time and energy if we didn't have to eat everyday - and multiple times everyday!

it's true though. if i dedicated as much time to writing, or painting, or playing guitar, or graphic design, or service, or reading the Bible... the list goes on - all the things i'd rather be doing. for the sake of example, let's say playing guitar. if i spent hours everyday and set aside a budget every month solely for guitar, i would have actually learned an entire song before i turned 24.

i just remembered that britt is doing (or just finished) the master cleanse. i did that a couple years back and it was fantastic. except i did miss the joy of eating.

so i suppose in my paradise food will just be lying around waiting to be eaten. platters of sushi, trays of tarts, banquets and feasts randomly set up throughout the earth. perhaps britt and karen will take care of that for me.


Anonymous said...

congratulations on your Blogging Award nomination. hope you win!

erin said...

i made the mistake of telling my room mates about serena's sweet compliment and they laughed hysterically and will not stop making fun of me. if that's one of you guys mocking my anonymously, i know where you sleep. if that's someone actually being nice, thank you.

on a side note, i just noticed that i made a mistkae in the title - it's a quote from a death cab song and it should be fear is the heart of love, not the other way around. profound slip or simple typo?

Anonymous said...

We could trade. I'll cook for you and you could clean our house.
It's perfect.
Actually, for the last few months, i haven't been that inspired to cook. There are just so many other interesting things to do.
this month we've been basically surviving on steamed artichokes.

Agrican said...

The importance of your mistype in the title all depends on whether you are a fan of Freud or subscribe to more contemporary psychology.