Wednesday, April 6

dibs blog title

so i gave in like the follower that i am and changed my template. after britta changed hers i couldn't stop obsessing that mine was now too bright and flashy. then jordan changed his, and i decided that since i wasn't the only one copying, i should be allowed to join the fun. i then considered "friend templates" (meaning using the exact same template as britta and then reminding her that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) but decided that was over the line.

after a month of severe depression and deep despair i have found a job. it's not much, but it's mine and it restores at least a shred of my dignity, my self-worth. actually, i dropped off about ten resumes around town on friday, and i've already heard back from three, and took one job this morning. so that's confidence boosting. anyway, it's at an embroidery shop downtown. time will tell whether or not it is remotely interesting. it's sorta, kinda, vaguely related to what i went to school for. basically that means that there's a computer involved, and there's potential for creative expression. the hours are great; tuesday, thursday, and saturday from 10 until 5. i didn't ask, but i believe it's just minimum wage. i also had an interview at a call center (not sales, market research) but it would be monday, wednesday, friday from 2 until 9, and either saturday or sunday from 9 until 5. and i'm not a huge fan of those hours. it's surveys, so i think it would be interesting to do one shift of it, but that's all. i'm pretty happy with my embroidery job. for the most part it's going to be just me and gale (not gail, or gayle, like the woman's name, but gale, like a strong, stormy wind) and ernie, her black pomeranian. and don't judge ernie just cause he's black and a pomeranian. he's a good guy. the strong silent type, which is just the way i like him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(Y) very happy 4 ya!