Tuesday, November 18

can't wear a toque or your mohawk's crushed

it is definitely trying to snow today.

so to comfort myself, i have turned to food. i attempted a squash soup about a week ago and it wasn't quite right so today i went for the second round. newest room mate (carmel) insisted it was wonderfully easy. and after i compared my lunch of doritos with hers of grilled tofu, i decided a proper meal was a good idea.

this one turned out much better than the first. i think i used far too much chicken stock last time. and a little too much pepper this time. but it is amazingly easy. even for a... well, me. whatever i am.


Kerri said...

a) I love the title.
(I feel like I could adapt it for myself..."can't wear a scooter helmet or your bangs will be crushed and you will then need to carry your straightening iron around everywhere")
b) Is that your soup in the picture? It looks amazing!
c) I had popcorn for dinner yesterday. I wonder if an abhorrence of cooking is somehow a characteristic of Rationals...?

Anonymous said...

yaah! shes alive! and cooking!? soup. must be winter.

erin said...

that is my soup! this picture made the outside look the coldest but i almost went with other cuter ones that featured felted birds in the background... i heart my felted birds.

the title is from a bette & wallet song. look them up. i heart them as well.

and i think the listing of subjects is a rational trait. perhaps the cooking thing can be blamed on the need to be efficient? i blame all my lazy tendencies on that.

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend!
I'm glad we are able to have something in common though we are so far apart... the bitterness of winter!
Your soup looks delicious! You made it from scratch and photographed it so perfectly. You never cease to astound me with your talents.

luv kandis

Anonymous said...

you can never have too much pepper!