Friday, November 21

waltzing my tears to a tom jones song

things i've learned recently:

you know when honey crystallizes and gets all gross and hard to pour so you have to cut the top off the little bear's head to get at it? boil some water. remove from heat. submerge entire container of honey in said water. let sit until honey returns to liquid form. it's amazing.

gyprock is made from gypsum rock. therefore the name. i am probably the only person in the world who thought gyprock was a racial slur.

carmel mikol is an extremely talented musician and songwriter. and i'm not just saying that because i live with her and she keeps our house clean and cooks really good food. i'm saying it because she promised to make us orange floats when her myspace page hits reach 1000. do your part in getting me some free ice cream. click on carmel's link. and maybe even listen to her music while you're there.


Anonymous said...

i am good at hitting so i am told

Kerri said...

I was just checking out Carmel's page! It looks fantastic and her music is amazing (which I kind of assumed from the tiny bit I heard her play when I was visiting!)
Anyway, I noticed I was visitor #1033! How'd you enjoy that orange float?

erin said...

it was delicious. i actually had two. one root beer and one orange. i made her promise that we will celebrate accordingly for every thousand hits she gets.

Anonymous said...

she reminds me azure ray and a little cat power.

i like it a lot.

Anonymous said...

ah yes... gyprock. i was meaning to tell you about that. you may have found a logical answer to your gyprock problem, but I still refuse to use scotch tape! do they think using plaid makes it less offensive? i think not!

scrumtrulescent steve

Agrican said...

2000, enjoy the float.