Tuesday, September 4

Stage One: Prince George to Nelson or Letting the Rage Subside

My journey began on a Tuesday morning when I drove the Hulk, my little Firefly, out of Prince George. I enjoyed a quiet solo drive through the Okanagan and into the Kootenay’s. I was feeling a little haggard because I had spent the previous week or so packing all my worldly possessions and saying goodbye to friends and family so I really needed that time to unwind and breathe.

For the most part the trip was pleasantly uneventful. At one point I stopped for gas and topped up the oil. As I drove out of that town (somewhere between Kamloops and Penticton) I got caught in a stream of traffic. Someone in the line was spewing blue smoke. I wondered who it could be and why they didn’t get off the road. But as the traffic dispersed, I realized it was me. I couldn’t figure out why the Hulk would suddenly begin burning oil so I pulled into the next rest stop. I went around to the front and there was oil all over the hood. I swear I put the oil cap back on after filling and it popped out as I started driving. So there was oil all over the engine. All over. It was awful. But at least it could still run.

To some extent at least. The hills nearly killed the Firefly but we made it to Nelson eventually. Where I found my little bride-to-be and we had a wonderful visit before going to sleep.

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