Friday, February 19

if the west can be a desperate place

i've been so focused on cutting out sugar that i forgot about the gluten. i'm cutting that out too for the thirty days. i hadn't expected that to be a problem for me since i don't generally eat a lot of wheat but i did a quick search of what gluten free would entail and i was surprised. i assumed rye would be safe and it's sure not. same with barley, spelt and kamut. and i came across many warnings that oats are a controversial choice.

and as soon as i'm told i'm not allowed to have something, i want it.

but i can do this! i have self control and self discipline!

ya, not so much. but i do have many inspirational blogs written by other poor unfortunate fools on the same diet. and these people know how to eat.

pictured above is a gluten/sugar/dairy free pancake. and it looks fantastic. if i get ambitious enough to attempt cooking one (or more) of these i'll let you know how it tastes too. for now i'm probably going to stick with the controversial oatmeal with almond milk and maple syrup for breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The depressing dark gloom that creeps into the depths of ones inner person by the removal of a pleasure that they always taken for granted.
This inspirational blog that you, magnificenterin, write - this has allowed me to develop a profound appreciation for my iron clad stomach, efficient intestines and kidneys, and well arranged taste buds.
I offer these carefully constructed words of encouragement below for the hope of receiving the same if ever in such dire straights myself:
"there, there, erin. all will be better soon"