Tuesday, October 12

i like songs about drifters - books about the same. they both seem to make me feel a little less insane.

days til mexico: 16

i'm still stinkin' sick, but at least i got a nice big day in service. me and kandis and kim did bus stops downtown. i much prefer their territory for that. there's way more people. and i got to watch the video of our bethel tour last year. that was great. i forgot how great it was. i must go again one day. maybe for good.

i'm off to make myself yet another hot lemon and honey with extra rum.

1 comment:

britt said...

Aww... get better!!
And keep drinking that rum (for medicinal purposes, of course).

Oh, and I want to know whatever you know about Mazatlan -
what's your apartment going to be like?
how far is it from the beach?
uh... and whatever else you can think of.
I want to get as much information out of you as possible before you go. You'll be having too much fun to tell me once you're down there...
