Friday, November 26

at age fifteen i was kidnapped by turkish pirates

ashley evans hurt her back and was told not to surf for the week, so she let me and britanny borrow her board. we went all day yesterday. brit went again today, but i had to go in service. and Jehovah blessed me for it. i started another study. and i think this one will be there when i show up. so far i've started five studies, and none have actually studied yet. i started one with a guy named enrique on wednesday, and made an appointment for this afternoon, but he had to work apparently. this morning's service group was about how to know if someone is genuinely interested in studying. that's a problem here because mexicans are just too nice to say no. so instead they say yes, and then don't show up. which do you think is ruder? but, i was raised in canada, and that's just my opinion. anyway, lidia is a sweetheart, and was very concerned about choosing a time that would be convenient for both of us, and when she could be certain that she'd be available.

i'm brown now. really brown. yesterday we took off to the beach at seven in the morning, and i didn't get home until five or six. i surfed, swam, slept... all the good stuff. it was a gorgeous day too. driving home was perfect. russel sims, a pioneer brother from california that lives down here, has a beautiful cabriolet. i fell in love with the car the moment i saw it. we stacked the boards on top, and i rode on the back for the drive home. the beach we go to is way at the end past the golden zone, so i got to stare at the sunset over the ocean through the palm trees while riding in my dream car after nearly twelve hours on the beach. and this is my life. i can't believe it either.

speaking of volkswagens... there are tons of them down here, but they are incredibly strange. first, everywhere you look there are old style bugs. and they are in fantastic shape. they look practically brand new. that's because they just stopped making them a few years back. that's right... they have 2000 old style bugs. like, year 2000. and then they have all these new vw's that i've never even heard of. there's pointers everywhere. they look like the vw version of a firefly. the lupo is even stranger; it looks like a toyota echo. there's derby's, polo's, sharan's, pointer station wagons, and even new pick up trucks. those are funny looking. the front end is almost the same as a new golf, very rounded, but then it morphs into a truck in the back. it baffles the mind. you can check them out at it is in spanish, but if you just click on the car name, you can see a picture of each one. then you'll see what i mean. baffling.


Person said...

i hate u!

Person said...

no i guess i dont hate u but i dispise u. your brown really brown? Now why did you have to tell me that, why, k heres the thing i cant belive your in mexico, i still cant fathem it, i dont know why, but i cant, i must have a disorder or something i think i will call it, i cant belive shes gone to mexico and left me i know i could have fitted in her suit case syndrome or disorder i think i like syndrome betta. WHAT u started another study!! good job!! im sooo proud of ya i got to go out in service on sunday, wednesday, and today friday! i plan to go out saturday and sunday too! i cant wait im starting to get use to it little by little again. u have to take a picture of yourself and post it so we can all c u brown, um mabey no cause then ill be mad. i am sad. my red dye in my hair is growing out and i still have blonde highlights in my natural hair. I wonder is my hair turning blonde? i think it could and it would make sence cause my moms hair was like realy blonde at my age. anyhow i cant wait till u come back i miss u so much u wouldnt belive how much i miss ya, i think u might b shocked. i love ya, keep safe, nice and tosty from the sun, (mabey a little too toasty in the sun if u know what i mean muhahahahahahahaha)my jah bless u even more your in our prayers! DONT get skin cancer!(without me)

britt said...

Mmmm.... surfing, swimming, sleeping and service. All the necessary ingredients for a really great trip.
Just over a month until I am down there surfing, swimming, sleeping and, uh, servicing with you.
