Tuesday, November 2

naked monkey statues

since my last post i've had my first meeting and my first day in service. i love this place even more. first off, everyone greets everyone at the meetings with a handshake or a kiss on the cheek, a tradition i hope to continue when i get home. i met, at the very least, half of the congregation. i'm sure it's more, but i can't remember them all because there were so many. and i think i reintroduced myself to a couple people more than once. which was a little embarassing. i arrived at the meeting a half an hour early, and stayed almost an hour after. hard to believe, i know. it was a little intimidating, but i'm determined to get to know these people quickly, otherwise i may never get to know them.

it seems the muggy, humid weather we'd been having here was building up to a storm. it poured rain on sunday. now the mugginess has gone down, and the weather is pretty much perfect. sorry, i can't help bragging. it's just too amazing.

yesterday i was out in service all day. i worked with ashley evans and rick and leslie... i can't remember their last name, but they're from kelowna and they got here the day after me. it was their first day in service here too, but they were much braver than i was. we did some business territory in the afternoon. i was working with mexican karen at that point, and we found very few people that spoke english, so i let her take most of the calls. we did rv's, studies, approach work, a little of everything really. except door-to-door. i even went on a study with karen and maylin (i have no idea how to spell that properly) that was in spanish. they gave me a spanish require brochure and i followed along as best i could. it was interesting. my goal was to be able to tell which scripture they were looking up, but i don't know my numbers very well. did you know that james in spanish is santiago? i thought that was strange.


britt said...

I'm so proud of you - sounds like you are doing great. Don't forget to save some fun for me in January... I don't want you to be all funned out.

And you never really explained the naked monkey statue thing. I'll just assume you saw some naked monkey statues and thought they were ammusing.


Anonymous said...

la la la la la.......................... so it looks like yur having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um luv to tell u but we are realy not that jelous of the weather your having cause everyone got NEW snowbords! and we all want it to snow. yyup..mmmmmhmmmmm. yes,, by the way i got my wonderful bible!!! its purple pretty purple, it says HOLYBIBLE ON IT! with my name whitney christine brown, and then just the date of my baptizim on it which is like 7/17/04 i luv it. miss u terrible. hey i got red red red hair! C I DIED IT AT THE ASSSEMBLY AND THEN THE BLONDED CAME THROUGH SO I DIED IT AGAIN AND THE RED TOOK SO IT IS SHOCKING, IV been wearing a hat to the hall.ha. well anywho keep up the message posts, luv whitney c brown.

Anonymous said...

oh yes i thought i would tell u, thati'm trying to finish my knowledge booook. today is my first study with myself,,,, r u sure i cant count time 4 this,,,, come on i gotta get some time in some where, im studying with someone, and i know them realy well i'll just forget to right my name down on the slip. mabey? YES? okay!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by ME! if u dont know who me is than. ill just tell u, or not, whitney oh wait i forgot u know more than one whitney, k lets just say i was in yur congergation. WHAT! u dont remember me!!!!?? i am very disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Hey it sounds like your having an amazing time and btw I'm SOOO jealous!!! Keep up all the good witnessing work... and I'm sure that soon you'll know the language perfectly. After all you always were a quick learner in krss. Well just wanted to say that I miss ya girl, and that we have to do something when you get back (and actually DO it this time... haha). Keep writing us all... Luv, Teralyn!!!