Saturday, November 5

i can try for your heart

this afternoon, at a quiet, intimate ceremony, melissa margaret freudentheil and caleb joshua johnson wed. only their closest family and friends were there. she looked exquisite. her bridesmaids were perfect - beautiful without detracting from the bride and emotional without wrecking their makeup. everything was wonderful. i cried like a baby.

congratulations brother caleb joshua and sister melissa margaret johnson.

the moon has nothing to be sad about

tonight we had our first snowfall. i think it will be gone by morning, but right now it looks gorgeous. i was only inside for about an hour, and when i came out it was dark and everything was lightly blanketted in white. it's pretty much the only day of winter i genuinely love. i'm going to have to put aside some money for snowboarding this year so i have something to get me through. either that, or actually have a toboganning party instead of just talking about it.

Sunday, October 30

my favorite things about my job

  • writing on the desk
  • knowing people's names and hearing their voices before i ever meet them
  • my ridiculously socially akward boss
  • freecell on the sly
  • my rolly chair
  • having a reason to get out of bed in the morning
  • using the headset just because it makes me feel professional
  • re-organizing and colour coding the files
  • exceeding my fellow employees' low expectations
  • 'zooming' (a little inside, i know)
  • reliving the glory days of dial-up internet
  • coffee
  • the huge calculator

Monday, October 17

let's go away for awhile
you and i Posted by Picasa

to a strange and distant land Posted by Picasa

where they speak no word of truth
but we don't understand anyway Posted by Picasa

far away
to stay
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on a holiday
far away
let's go today
in a heartbeat
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don't bother to pack your bags or your map,
we won't need them where we're going
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we're going where the wind is blowing,
not knowing where we're going to stay
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we will write a postcard
to our friends and family
in free verse
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on the road with kerouac,
sheltered in his bivouac
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on this road we'll never die Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 11

something worth writing home about

it's my assembly this weekend, and it has been pretty much fabulous. the pioneer meeting was yesterday, and it was beyond great. it was exactly what i needed. the theme was 'trust in jehovah' and i have a lot to learn about that. muy encouraging.

and today was fantastic. from assembling with my recently adjusted circuit to seeing two from my hall baptized, from planning a trip to vegas to a wonderful evening of dinner and knitting with my newest pioneer partner, monica. and then, to top it all off, the most incredible northern lights i have ever seen.

i went out to do my papers.

that's right, my paper route. i have a paper route. and i'm cool. and i was delivering them two days late. cause that's how cool i am. i only delivered them at all because it's the assembly and i would have felt guilty ditching them.

i amaze myself.

anyhoo, i went out to do my papers, and was mesmerized by the lights. i ended up laying down in someone's yard at about 11:30 this evening watching them dance all over the sky to a soundtrack of radiohead and jack johnson. the colors were spectacular - it started as just the usual bright green, then faded to white which whirled around like smoke, then began rippling green, white, blue, and hot pink. it moved quickly down the sky in circles, spreading from a single point to the horizon. i completely understand why people would have thought the gods were appearing to them in the sky. it was intense.

Wednesday, August 17

confined and confused

truly insane people don't sit around wondering whether or not they're crazy.

they have better things to do.

Wednesday, July 20

a cassette tape of stalker songs

due to popular demand, here i am posting. i haven't felt inclined to lately, because i'm not sure what direction i should take this thing. originally it was used to record and report my mexican adventures for my fans back home. now, however, i am back in canada, and have few adventures that need reporting. so, as i have been asking myself about most facets of my life, now what?

and i guess that's about where i am again. stuck in no man's land. undecided, noncommittal, up in the air. where should i live? where should i work? what should i do for work? where do i want to be in five years? how am i going to get there? should i try to get back to mexico? should i focus on somewhere else now? should i learn a new language? which one? or should i just give up, live at home until i can drag some lame guy to the altar, have a bus load of children, and live in pg for the rest of my life? no offense to those who have chosen or will choose to do that...

Monday, June 6

this weather has me wanting love more tangible

so the reunion is officially cancelled. i really could have used it. it breaks my little heart, but i guess i'll live. i'm trying to figure out a way to get to the district convention in mexico in august, but seeing as i'm still mostly unemployed, i can't imagine it will actually happen. we'll see.

it's my convention this weekend. it's gonna be great. i was mad cause it's so early this year. i know that's a stupid reason to be mad, but it just feels wrong. then i got a copy of the program, and now i can't wait. it looks like it's going to be scrumtrulescent. and i've been reading my proclaimers book about all the landmark conventions in the 20s and 30s. what an experience they would have been. to witness rutherford's 'advertise, advertise, advertise' talk, or to stand proudly with the great crowd of other sheep, finally understanding your role in God's organization, or to support the resolution to go by the official name 'Jehovah's Witnesses'...

i wonder if in the future people will look back at our time and think about how thrilling it would have been to be a part of it. i suppose they will. but i wonder what things will stand out to them. maybe the release of books like 'draw close to Jehovah'. that's a good book. or maybe all the prophecies that we're finally clearly understanding... daniel, isaiah, hosea, amos... all of'em. they just don't seem as, um... enthusiastic in our day. i'm gonna work on that for the next convention. for any new announcements, releases, or resolutions, i'm going to leap to my feet and cheer, instead of just applauding politely.

Monday, May 23

trust in Jehovah and do good

so, i quit my job. i'm getting good at that.

it was too many hours. they wanted me to be full time, and i couldn't handle it, so i left. i had been thinking about it for a while, but i wasn't sure if i was just being lazy, or if it really was too much. the schedule i made on paper looked like it could work, but not in reality. i had a hard time deciding if the job was a blessing or a temptation. but then i talked to my family about it, and steve asked me if the job was affecting my joy in service, and it definitely was. i hadn't been able to get over ten hours a week or catch up to most of my rv's since i started there, which was not making me happy. i had considered staying until i found something else, but if i had i would have had no chance of getting my time this month. so i quit.

i kept thinking about how when i first arrived in mazatlan i had no idea what i was doing. i knew no one, i had nowhere to live, i had never lived on my own, nothing. but Jehovah provided for me. everything worked out wonderfully. i felt like i had leapt off a cliff, and he had caught me. (anyone seen rescuers down under? the little boy and the eagle.... like that). so i decided i needed to do that again. i said a prayer, and told my boss. he made me feel kinda naive and stupid, cause he didn't understand why i couldn't make it work, or how i thought i was going to support myself. but i realized it doesn't matter what he thinks. plus (this happened last thursday) when i studied for the ministry school, the instruction talk dealt with 'does Jehovah notice what we do?' and it discussed the widow of zarapheth. it was exactly what i needed to hear.

'let you manner of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. for he has said: "i will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you." so that we may be of good courage and say: "Jehovah is my helper; i will not be afraid. what can man do to me?" ' - hebrews 13:5, 6.

so i'm broke and unemployed again. but i have plenty of time to catch up in service, and i have an interview at a bank tomorrow. i just hope i can still make it to calgary for my mexican reunion. my car runs on holy spirit anyway. plus, did anybody notice that will ferrel commented on my blog? that pretty much completes me. i can die happy.

Monday, May 16

i've killed myself with changes trying to make things better

will ferrel hosted snl this past weekend. how great is that? i'll tell you. that's pretty darn great. so we had a will ferrel fest, complete with the best of dvd, anchorman, slushies, ice cream, and hummus. and a game of shot glass chess. classy. don't worry, we only used coolers. as if that game isn't hard enough when you're not drinking.

Monday, May 2

do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your father, the heavenly one

hi! this is erin calling from the prince george free press! i was hoping to speak to the person in charge of your advertising!

egads. i hate sales. i hate the phone. and i really hate selling things over the phone. other than that, work is fabulous.

i'm not working at the embroidery place anymore. they didn't want me to have two jobs. they need someone who can be more flexible than that. that's fine. it was a stupid job anyway. so now i am pretty much exclusively at free press, other than a little cleaning on the weekend. and it's going alright. the people i work with are wonderful. they are friendly and forgiving and willing to help me. par ejamplo, today i was miserable because i had decided that i couldn't do this job and that i am a terrible salesperson and that i want to quit. and then dave (my boss) gave me a new project to work on and said i did very well on the last one considering i was completely new at it. so then i felt better.

and guess what my new project is... come on, guess... you're wrong. it's a worship services directory. serious. tomorrow i have to go to all the churches and get them to advertise with us. that's gonna be weird.

here's a blip of conversation from my office this afternoon regarding that:

dave: tomorrow you can phone all the churches and set up times to visit them.
judy: they're going to tell you to come back sunday morning.
dave: you'll have to tell them you're someone they wouldn't want to come back on sundays... like heidi, or someone who's sold their soul to the devil.
heidi: or a jw. hee hee.

mwahahahahahahaha. little do they know...

well, they do know, now.

Friday, April 22

i want a house on the beach and you in my dreams

the last present i bought in mexico was a gorgeous summer dress for my niece. i used the last of my money because i just had to have it for her. and it's barely big enough to fit her as a shirt. i left a baby and came back to a little girl. people aren't kidding when they say kids grow up fast. and i guess it seems a lot faster when you don't see them for six months. she's as gorgeous as ever, and still a good kid. she's talking lots. and she still loves uncle steve. she comes alive when he gets home. and she still eats all my food. i was eating a cracker with peanut butter and banana, and she smoothly slid off her chair and inched over to me. she picked up a banana slice and gave it to me, watching my reaction. she then proceeded to eat every piece of banana off my cracker, and the one in my hand. then she asked me to pick up the cracker. "why?" i asked.

"so i can eat it."

at least she's learned one thing from me.

so i got a third job. i just don't know how to say no. this one is for a local newspaper, so i'm actually kind of excited about it. i'm nervous because it's advertising sales, and i have never done that. but they are willing to take a chance on me. they think i have the right personality for it, since i'm so nice and likable. though they did say i was too quiet, and i should work on being firmer. if it doesn't work out, they keep mentioning that it at least gets my foot in the door in case anything opens up in ad design. which would be amazing. anyway, it's casual part-time. i'm not entirely sure what is involved, and it sounds like the hours are going to be kinda unpredictable. should be fun.

Tuesday, April 19

i sleep so little, watch the stars fade into day

i have now received six calls regarding resumes i dropped off. i have another interview tomorrow. and i started a cleaning job this past weekend. looks like my prayers for work are being answered.

"test me out, please in this respect," Jehovah of armies has said, "whether i shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want." -- malachi 3:10

how very true.

Monday, April 18

happy to me


Wednesday, April 6

you look wonderful tonight

happy twentieth anniversary mom and dad

dibs blog title

so i gave in like the follower that i am and changed my template. after britta changed hers i couldn't stop obsessing that mine was now too bright and flashy. then jordan changed his, and i decided that since i wasn't the only one copying, i should be allowed to join the fun. i then considered "friend templates" (meaning using the exact same template as britta and then reminding her that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) but decided that was over the line.

after a month of severe depression and deep despair i have found a job. it's not much, but it's mine and it restores at least a shred of my dignity, my self-worth. actually, i dropped off about ten resumes around town on friday, and i've already heard back from three, and took one job this morning. so that's confidence boosting. anyway, it's at an embroidery shop downtown. time will tell whether or not it is remotely interesting. it's sorta, kinda, vaguely related to what i went to school for. basically that means that there's a computer involved, and there's potential for creative expression. the hours are great; tuesday, thursday, and saturday from 10 until 5. i didn't ask, but i believe it's just minimum wage. i also had an interview at a call center (not sales, market research) but it would be monday, wednesday, friday from 2 until 9, and either saturday or sunday from 9 until 5. and i'm not a huge fan of those hours. it's surveys, so i think it would be interesting to do one shift of it, but that's all. i'm pretty happy with my embroidery job. for the most part it's going to be just me and gale (not gail, or gayle, like the woman's name, but gale, like a strong, stormy wind) and ernie, her black pomeranian. and don't judge ernie just cause he's black and a pomeranian. he's a good guy. the strong silent type, which is just the way i like him.

Monday, March 21

time flies but airplanes crash

i don't really have anything new and interesting to say, i just heard this song title on the radio today and i wanted to use it as a blog title. that's it.

Tuesday, March 15

in sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came

because britta changed the template of her blog, i was intrigued and curious. for the fun of it, i flipped through the other templates just now. while i have to admit i was tempted to copy britta and switch to a template named "split pea," as soon as i realized that the template i had already chosen was named "son of moto," i was satisfied. really, what does that even mean? it's so ridiculous, i love it even more.

so i'm home. i've been home for almost two weeks. and it's strange because it's almost as though i was never gone at all. i was miserable on the plane. i was dismayed that an entire life could be over in a matter of a half a day. mexico quickly dissipated into vague, dreamlike memories. and the drive felt like watching a movie in reverse; staying at the same places, visiting the same people, neatly tying up the ends of the trip. once i got home, nothing had really changed. and right away i got a really bad cold that kept me curled up in the fetal position with a hot water bottle for over a week. that only fed my misery and self-pity. but now i'm out of it. being out in service is great. and i had my special assembly day on sunday, so that made me pretty happy.

this also makes me pretty happy:

As I bit into the nectarine, it had a crisp juiciness about it that was very pleasurable - until I realized it wasn't a nectarine at all, but A HUMAN HEAD!!
(a deep thought by jack handey)

Tuesday, March 1

today is a sad day. and we haven't even stepped on any dead cats yet.

it is my last day in mexico. i don't believe it. but i suppose it's not going to 'hit me.' it generally doesn't. this morning i will be lying beside the ocean, this evening i will sleep in vancouver. which is still by the ocean. so it can't be too far. it makes me really sad that soon this period of my life will seem like a dream. this has honestly been four of the best months of my life. i can't wait to come back. i've met people that i hope i will always be friends with, people i wish i could carry home in my pocket. but i know that once i get home i will be surrounded with more people i love and adore. it's a good thing we have forever to see eachother again, otherwise goodbye's would be a lot more difficult.

Thursday, February 24

necesito orinar como un caballo rapido ruso

i'm into my final week here in mazatlan. and as excited as i am to see my family and friends back home, i have to be perfectly honest with you all. i don't want to leave. i would give almost anything to be able to stay, even just one more month. but i know that's not possible, or reasonable. and the sooner i get home and to work, the sooner i can get back down here.

it's raining right now. and it really rains here. it sounds wonderful on the cement house.

we had yet another going away thing tonight. this one was for mikaela (the blonde girl that was in pg this summer). she's gone to squamish tomorrow. she's not too pleased about that. but hopefully she'll be back down in the summer for the district convention. i can't wait for that.

i've been thinking lately about how fruitless it is to try to explain mexico to someone. i don't really think you can understand any place until you've seen it. i've been taking pictures of things around town that i love, but i just don't belive that it translates on to film. and i must say, that that is the second time today that i have used the word fruitless, and i can't remember ever using that word before today. it's kind of silly.

Wednesday, February 16

our statial shape is the rhombus

my parents are here!! i'm muy happy to have them. but muy sad that it means that i'm leaving soon. it feels like everyone's leaving. jeremiah left yesterday, britta's leaving today, mikaela and angie are next week, and i'm the week after. then most other people are gone by the end of march. but we're planning a mexican reunion in june. in calgary, of all places. works for me.

i must go now, as we are going for a welcome parents slash goodbye britta breakfast. and we're going to have beer. for breakfast. but it's ok cause we're in mexico.

Tuesday, February 8

bethel - doing it for Jehovah, all day long

so i'm back. i went to mexico city and lived to tell about it. though to be perfectly honest, i didn't go into the city too much. mostly drove around there, and stayed outside the city, in bethel, and a nearby city called texcoco.

bethel is amazing. i love it. i want to live there. me and brittany were threatening to barricade ourselves in our room and never come out. except for meals. we saw so much. because we were staying there we were considered temporary bethelites, so we got lots of extra tours. the normal tour lasts about five hours. ours was spread out over three days, and added up to at least ten.

we met wonderful people, that i genuinely hope i get to see again. soon would be nice. the generosity and hospitality of the brothers and sisters we met was humbling. they did everything they could to make us happy, and wouldn't accept anything in return. i hope they understood how grateful we were despite the language barrier.

other than bethel, we spent a day at the pyramids and a day at six flags. it was too much fun. i didn't want to leave. but we did, and now i am here in mazatlan. which is a pretty great place to have to come back to.

Wednesday, February 2

here's a little something to tide you over until i get back.... that's me dancing on the beach in the moonlight for kandis. Posted by Hello

a kerouak adventure

i'm leaving for mexico city at this very moment. so i can't write anything. but i'm super excited and i will post as soon as i get back.

Saturday, January 29

we will become silhouettes

it has been such an incredible week it's a little overwhelming to even attempt recording it here. but here's a rundown...

saturday: two car groups drove to teacapan to blitz the english communities with the keep on the watch brochure. it was amazing to talk to genuine english speaking people, mostly canadians. actually, mostly british columbians. we spent the whole day there, having interesting discussions with different people and each other. we wandered down the beach, witnessing to all the ones who had their camps set up there. the neighbor's called it 'little canada' which made me really happy. we met the circuit overseer who was serving with the spanish congregation there, and all eleven of us ended up being invited to a sister's house for lunch with the co and his wife. everyone was wonderfully nice, despite the language barrier. even though we couldn't talk, we could still smile and hug and take pictures and eat. an older couple that is down here from calgary had the best time with those brothers and sisters. they told us that they had been to mexico about two hundred times, and that was their best day. it was very heartwarming. we barely made it to the meeting that day. actually, we missed the first 45 minutes. but it was worth it.

kandis' wedding. a big fat congratulations to the new couple. sorry i couldn't be there in person to dance the night away with the langners, but i did my best from here. i got all dressed up and dragged everyone out to hotel playa. i danced on the beach in the moonlight, ate jelly belly's, and drank gin. i'll post pictures later.

sunday: i was exhausted that morning, and barely got out of bed (i just re-read this part and i have to clarify that this is unrelated to the gin... i only had one. i was paying attention at the watchtower. it was just a late night. ;) ). but britta dragged me to the beach, even though it was cloudy and kind of raining. i really tried to get out of it, but she always makes me feel really guilty cause we don't get to the beach very often. we ended up having lots of fun. just the usual beach stuff, but it was great. lots of giggling and exploring and swimming. not a whole lot of surfing, unfortunately. the waves were huge, so i didn't last too long. by the time we meandered down to chandlers for a congregation get together for the lyons, the sun was shining and it was really hot. so it all worked out. that was a lot of fun. i'm really sad the lyons are gone. i'll post pictures of them too. that night we watched 'the village'. it had potential, but there were too many people and everybody was restless, so i couldn't get into it. my favorite part was that this new guy, jesse, wouldn't look at the scary parts, not because he was scared, of course, but because he was 'scared of getting scared'. riiiiiiiiiiight. i don't understand the difference, but he insists there is one.

wednesday: aw we went to the orchestra, mexican style. we got all gussied up, real purty-like, and had us some tequila, and tried to act all growed up. the music was beautiful. there's a brother from culican who plays the cello, which is how we heard of it. his name is fred, and he's neat. he used to play electric guitar and was in a band until he got sick of that life and found the truth. now he plays more appropriate music (pay attention steve) with a better behaved band.

thursday: beach day. it's been up around thirty again lately. and it was really sunny yesterday too. we stayed at the beach all day. we took doug and leah pope's huge raft thing out. we'd drag it way out and then pile everybody on it, and try to catch waves in. usually we ended up getting smashed around by the waves, which was still great. and painful when we got up to nine people on there. russel caught an iguana at the restaurant, more pictures i have to post. he named it pedro and took it home. he's really cool. he changes colour quickly, but he's mostly bright green. we're all quite fascinated. it's a struggle to see who gets to hold him. we all try to hog him. some of us stuck around at the beach until dark so we could have a bonfire. we went swimming in the dark, which was indescribably fun. for some reason we all got really hyper around eight. then we lit a fire and sat around and stared at the stars until almost eleven. the fun part was then figuring out how to get home. russel was supposed to come back after his bookstudy, but he never did. so me, britta, ashley, laura, jeremiah and alex all walked down the beach for an hour and a half, then managed to grab a taxi the rest of the way. which was good, cause we were still at least a two hour walk from home.

all in all, a pretty fantastic week. mostly just laughing all week long. and marvelling at the privilege i have to be here and experience this. today was a long day of service, then the bookstudy. we have a new conductor, tom anderson, at least temporarily. i adore the andersons already. they are friendly and generous and enthusiastic. there's tom and wendy, and they have two kids, tyler (13), and savannah (9, i believe). and to hear how hard they worked to be able to move down here is very humbling. i am so encouraged by the families that are able to do that. people like myself have the perfect circumstances to be doing this, to go anywhere. but families that are established, with kids and jobs and whatnot, make real sacrifices in order to be here. i have a lot to learn from such ones.

Saturday, January 22

a week in pictures

feet like puzzle pieces launch our adventure Posted by Hello

when we went shopping for stuff for the napoleon dynamite party, me and britta found the biggest sleepers we had ever seen. they weren't quite tall enough, or i would have bought one. instead i just danced around walmart in it. Posted by Hello

we spent all wednesday at the beach, surfing. unfortunately, we've discovered two things about our beach (the bruja): the restaurant has happy hour at five, and the bus stops running out there by six. this is me and britta (with alex and jeremiah, unseen) crammed in a taxi with the surfboard sticking out the windows. our driver thought this was pretty funny. Posted by Hello

this was the napoleon dynamite party. you can kind of see that ashley and laura had 'deb hair'. that was the extent of the dressing up. but it was still great. Posted by Hello

last night after a full afternoon of shopping, me and britta went back to our cafe in el centro for scrumptious bbq chicken pizza, espresso, and live piano. this was our piano player. his hopeful little face made us very happy. Posted by Hello

walter and milton took me and britta in service this morning. neither of my studies worked out, but breakfast was great. i actually ordered corn flakes with banana. you know you're in mexico when you get toast with salsa at breakfast. Posted by Hello

this was the view from my table. no window. service is pretty rough here, i know. Posted by Hello

we had a dinner after the bookstudy tonight because our overseer and his wife are moving back to australia... adios mates! Posted by Hello

me and britta danced like children of the night on my roof until the neighbor lady yelled at us to get down Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 20

isn't it nice how God made our feet so that they fit together like puzzle pieces?

last night we had our napoleon dynamite party. it was pretty great. we managed to cram twenty-one people into russel's tiny apartment. i have pictures, but i can't post them because that program still isn't working. i don't know what's wrong. the party wasn't quite what i imagined it would be. we didn't get to dress up because we don't have any clothes for that and mexico doesn't believe in the thrift store. and we didn't get to have napoleon dynamite themed food because mexico also doesn't believe in the tater tot. so i wore a western shirt and britta brought the sexiest cookies we've seen.

and for everyone who believes that mexico is a dangerous country, full of thieves and rapists, here's a little something to reinforce it. last night, the two girls who live downstairs from russel, ashley and laura, had some stuff stolen. they're not sure how or when it could have happened. but ashely's camera and wallet were taken from their kitchen table. they were very upset. we helped them look, in the apartment, all over the building, even out on the street in case they'd ditched the wallet somewhere. but nothing. it's really sad because it seems like everything has gone wrong for these girls since they got here. hopefully it gets better soon. we'll try to cheer them up and take care of them.

and to make sure that i end this on a good note, cause really, mexico is all about good things... i started a couple more studies this week (three i think) and i get to go back on two of them tomorrow morning. one's with a guy, and the other is with a couple. o, i don't know if i mentioned this before, but we're having our campaign right now. we have approximately 600 territories to cover. think we can do it?

Sunday, January 16

mixing metaphors

i'm in the middle of a service day. we had to come home for a break. it's 25 degrees, 70% humidity. don't worry, i'm not complaining. i'm thriving. but the humidity does get to you. today would be a great beach day, but i'm responsibly out trying to hunt down my bible studies. so far it's not going so well. i don't know how mexicans got the reputation of being lazy bums. they are the hardest working people i have personally seen. maybe when i make it to japan i will change my mind, but so far, they are amazingly busy people. most of the young people are in school half of the day, then work the other half, and some take language classes and take care of their family or their family's business or other such things. and they spend long days in school and work. and have loads of homework. i really respect these people a lot more having spent time here.

i'm trying to get more pictures up, especially of people, but i'm having problems with the program i use to post them. so be patient. i'm doing what i can. alright, i'm probably edging close to the lazy, procrastinating side, but i'll get around to it, hopefully sooner than later.

Monday, January 10

your hair reminds me of danish pastries

it's amazing how different people create different views of places. with britta here i have had great fun touring the cultural and moreso artistic side of mazatlan. i've wanted to get down there for a while, but i haven't really had someone to share it with. we did some shopping at plaza mechado, and i finally got myself some jewellery. about time, i say. how dare i be in mexico for two months and not buy a scrap of jewellery. who cares about groceries? not me. ok, yes i do, but jewellery first.

we've also done some more bus hopping. we've wandered all over, gotten ourselves lost a few times, and managed to make it home alive every time. i'm impressed by us. and we found a splendid coffee shop that makes a great espresso mocha. it's super. there's crazy, live piano whenever we go and a really nice, clean bathroom. which is a huge plus in mexico.

i must say that i have fallen in love with the downtown of mazatlan. there are some neat areas that i have yet to explore. beautiful, tall, old buildings, with wonderful windows and tilework; narrow cobblestone roads lined with trees and hedges; a theatre, art gallery, art school, english library... if you get away from the touristy parts of town, there are some really interesting things to see. i need to spend more time down there.

walking with angie and britta in the streets of old mazatlan Posted by Hello

warning: an espresso mocha gets you pretty wired, and makes you take pictures of everything. Posted by Hello

this is our cafe. i was sneaking pictures from upstairs by the bathroom. look up to the guitar and there's where our piano player sat. playing piano, of course. Posted by Hello